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Monday, May 24, 2010

Film Hollywood Dalam Bahasa Jawa

Tau nggak kalo judul film Hollywood diganti Bahasa Jawa jadinya nanti kayak gini :

• Enemy at the Gates - Musuhe Wis Tekan Gapuro
• Die Another Day - Modare Ojo Saiki
• Die Hard - Gak ono mate'e
• Die Hard II - Matine Angel Tenan
• Die Hard III With A Vengeance - Kowe Kok Ra Mate-Mate To?
• Die Hard IV (Die) - Jan Tenan'an...Arep Mati Kok Angel Tenan
• Bad Boys - Bocah-Bocah Elek
• Man of Fire - Wong Lanang Kesumuken
• No Way Back - Ora Iso Mulih ( kesasar yo?)
• Red Eye - Matane Abang ( klilipan opo?)
• Casino Royale - Togel Akeh Duite
• The Hoax - Ngapusi
• Harry Potter - Hari Dodol'an Pot
• Lost in Space - Ilang Neng Awang-awang
• Cheaper by the Dozen - Tuku Selusin Luwih Murah
• Paycheck - Kasbon
• Independence Day - Pitulasan
• There is Something About Marry - Meri Ono Opo-Opo'ne
• Silence of the Lamb - Wedhus'e Mutung
• Planet of the Apes - Planete Wong Apes
• Gone in Sixty Second - Minggat Sak'cepete
• The Abyss - Entek-Entek'an
• Deja Vu - Pang'ling
• Terminator - Terminal Montor
• Lord Of The Ring - Pedagang Akik
• Deep Impact - Ngantem Njero
• Million Dollar Baby - Babi Regone Sa'juto
• Blackhawk Down - Manuk Ireng Kenek Be'dhil
• Saving Private Ryan - Ngelesi Privat Mas Ryan (pancene goblog tenan opo?)
• Gone With The Wind - Wes Ewes Ewes Bablas Angi'ne
• Because I Said So - Dikandani Kok Ngeyel Tenan Sih

=))Нɑ˘°˘НɑHɑ˘•˘ ‎ =))Нɑ˘°˘НɑHɑ˘•˘


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